Lets Learn True Education

Jharkhand, INDIA



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Coaching Classess

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Coaching Classes

Surely these are times that belong to those who are born with a computer in hand! The prodigy of yesteryears is a normal child of today. For our youth to stay in the race, their I.Q. has to go up! The best of schools may not find the time to pay special attention on the student’s exceptional flair for Maths and Science. To bridge this gap, MIS came out with the concept of IIT / Medicine foundation coaching for classes VI- X. Properly nourished, a kid’s potential is limitless. The limit of their growth is the standard we set for them. We have to develop their ability for independent thinking and analysis, without making mental monsters of them. Their awareness of Mathematics and Science has to be heightened very early in this age of the Information Super Highway. It is against this background that MIS integrated IIT / Medicine foundation coaching seeks to give our students that extra input necessary for carving out such a successful professional career. The course is integrated in such a way, that the foundation classes do not disturb regular curriculum. In-fact, it enriches the student’s knowledge.

General Studies and GK

Keeping the same philosophy as mentioned above, we train our students specially in general studies / General knowledge. This enables them to be updated with what is happening across the globe or be prepared to face any competitive exam across India like IIT / Medicine / UPSC/GMAT/CAT with confidence from an early age.

Weekly Examination & Evaluation

Apart from regular term examinations and unit tests, MIS has developed a unique system to conduct weekly examinations and evaluation system. These examinations are common for all the schools across India with common question papers. Such exposure makes our students mentally tough to face any board examination further in their life. This unique examination system also reduces the stress students undergo / undertake at the time of final examination as the students are better prepared and the preparation is spread over the whole year.

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