Lets Learn True Education

Jharkhand, INDIA



[email protected]

National Highway 2, Jharkhand Pin:825322, INDIA


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Common Academic Program

MIS follows common academic program at all its schools across India. An annual micro scheduling is done at the starting of the academic year and circulated to all the schools. This ensures implementation of common academics. Common program is related to regular as well as IIT.

Counselling Sessions

To ensure proper nurturing of the students, our kids are regularly counselled by senior teachers for their better performance. Every year special counselling sessions by psychologists are conducted for students / teachers as well as parents across our schools in India.

Regular parent teacher interaction meetings are conducted after every unit test to share the progress of the child.

n order to lay emphasis on extra curricular activities, every Saturday, special sessions are arranged for encouraging the children to show case their hidden talents. On this occasion, several competitions are organized; National festivals are celebrated in each of Make India School.

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