Lets Learn True Education

Jharkhand, INDIA



[email protected]

National Highway 2, Jharkhand Pin:825322, INDIA

About Us

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“Make India School” is an initiative to ‘Educate and Empower Indians’ with a focus on mass population through a Block level approach. ‘MIS’ is a chain involving various links. These links are Education, Employability, Agriculture, Healthcare and Financial Inclusion. Making these links Accessible and Affordable to all Indians is the single biggest objective of Make India, only then India can move towards a Make India.

Our Vision & Our Mission


Our vision is to educate and empower all Indians and contribute to India’s rise.


Our mission is to make quality education accessible and affordable to all Indians by being present at each block of India.

Core Values

“Make India Schools” Core Values are the official expression of our institutional fundamental values and personifies to our ethical code, being an intricate part of the fabric of MIS.

MIS practices to prop up each learner for discovering the innate joy of learning and resolute effort in attaining high standards of quality delivery. Furthermore, DIS believes that it is crucial to cultivate mutual respect and understanding among all members of our family. Together at DIS we are farming to contribute to India’s rise. MIS believes in diversity of its family that provides an outstanding break to enable our members to create, communicate, and collaborate in order to LEAD.


The outcome of this Unique Academic System is evident in the form of results delivered by our students. 100’s of students have constantly secured top grades in SSC examinations, got admissions in IIT-JEE / top engineering and medical colleges. We urge you to join this dream to provide quality education to each child in India; leading to Make India.

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